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Culture - Raising Black Kids To Be Avid Readers
5 Tips for Choosing Curriculum in Homeschooling

5 Tips for Choosing Curriculum in Homeschooling

With every grade, all homeschool parents seem to evaluate their current curriculum and wonder if they should change it for the next year. As a homeschool parent, you want to give your child(ren) the very best. When it comes to curriculum choices, parents may find it overwhelming because there are so many to choose from. […]

Chores: Reasons Why Children Should Do Them

Chores: Reasons Why Children Should Do Them

Children are the most beautiful yet fragile things in this world. They are the heavenly creatures that often come under debate that whether or not they should do chores and household things. Many argue that it is the parents’ responsibility to do the chores and other things and children should not come under the burden […]