We can not guarantee the original accompanying contents such as Cds, access codes, toys, etc will be with the item
When you make your purchase you will be shown for your choice if the book is an ex-library hardcover or paperback copy. It will also show the format and condition in cart and checkout.
An ex-library copy will have markings such as a stamp, barcode label, or a glued old school pocket for check-out card.Â
Publishers will change the book cover, but the ISBN will not change. The purpose of the ISBN is to establish and identify one title or edition of a title from one specific publisher.
We do not offer a catalog, due to the hundreds of books we have listed online. It would take hundreds of sheets of paper to print out all our titles.
Once you establish an account and sign in you will be able to place titles you want to buy in your wish list. You can always refer to the list later when making future purchases.
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