Chapter Books

(Mr. Chickee’s Series#1) Mr. Chickee’s Funny Money

A Friendship for Today


Africa on My Mind: Reflections of My Second Trip (Signed)


Anna Hibiscus (Anna Hibisucus #1)




Beth Lambert #1 Philip Hall Likes Me, I Reckon Maybe


Beth Lambert #2 Get On Out of Here, Philip Hall


Case of the Missing Ankh (Kid Caramel, Private Investigator #1)


Child of the Dream (A Memoir of 1963)


Darnell Rock Reporting


Defenders Track Team Series #2: Patina




George Washington Carver: Man’s Slave Becomes God’s Scientist


History Maker Bios Series: Frederick Douglass


I Am #8 Roberto Clemente


Like Vanessa


M.C. Higgins, the Great


Make Way for Dyamonde Daniel (Dyamonde Daniel #1)


Miami Jackson # 1 Miami Jackson Gets It Straight


Miami Jackson # 2 Makes the Play
