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#youcanbeanythingyouwanttobe - Raising Black Kids To Be Avid Readers
How To Become A  Optometrist

How To Become A Optometrist

When most people think of doctors, the first thing that comes to mind is usually a physician. However, there are many other types of doctors out there who work hard to assist people with their sicknesses and problems. Similarly, becoming an optometrist is a great way to help people see better. It is also a […]

Becoming A Librarian: What Is It Like?

Becoming A Librarian: What Is It Like?

Do you know what it’s like to become a librarian? It might surprise you that the day-to-day of a librarian is quite diverse. They might be working in a school, helping students find the perfect book to read, or they could be at a library downtown, assisting people in researching their next big project. So […]