From the Back Cover
With more than 33,000 entries selected in consultation with top educators and definitions written specifically for children eight and up, this is the most up-to-date and kid-friendly dictionary ever. Designed to make kids enthusiastic instead of intimidated, it features:
- More than 800 notes and tips on synonyms, homonyms, prefixes, spelling, and word histories
- Over 750 photographs and illustrations
- Current computer, scientific, and cutural terms
- Interesting word histories
- Important figures from literature and history
- Sample sentences to show meanings and usage
- Every country plus major cities
- Spelling tips for tricky words
- Clear definitions in language children understand
- Parts of speech, plural forms, and verb forms
- Color photos, drawings and maps
- Easy to understand pronunciation guide on every spread
The all-in-one reference with:
- Children’s Thesaurus
- Album of U.S. Presidents
- Tables of Weights and Measures
- Atlas of the World
- Album of U.S. States
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